A Fangirl’s Autumn Apologies

...my blogs posts? oh! my dog ate them...seriosly!

"...my blogs posts? oh! my dog ate them...seriosly!"

Again, I’ve been a very bad blogger! I feel like the kid who spend the whole yesterday playing instead of doing homework, and now I have to give the teacher a better excuse for not doing it than “my dog ate it”. I feel very Kona-chan-like, although I have to say that normally I’m a bit more like Kagami. Anywho, I shall now account for my failure to blog:

  1. I’ve moved to a new city, so it usually takes a little time before my brain actually decides to join me in settling in in this new city. But I’m more familiarized with where things are and how people live here that I actually have the energy to think about fun things!!!
  2. University started again! And you may be thinking: “Oh that otaku is probably studying Japanese!” Well, this fangirl will have to say that, no; I’m studying something much worse: French. So it takes a while to getting used to hearing French 13h a week, and reading all my course literature in… well, French. *Pity me! I wish I was studying Japanese everyday!*
  3. My new dorm is full of friendly people, and it has a cable TV! Need I say more? … -_- … I rest my case.

But no matter how hectic and distracting life gets, a fangirl tends to miss all her bishies, and when that happens I know it’s time to swiftly enter the world of Bisharem! So, to order to get my fill of bishies I shall resume disclosure of the Top 100 Bishounen Chart, only now I’ll have to decrease entries to once a week… please look forward to it, and don’t desert me!


Skip Beat anime premiered on the 5th of October! So all you fans and non-fans (what am I saying? There are no non-fan on Skip Beat! ^-^), check it out! Here is the Japanese preview:

Watch Skip Beat! [PV] in Anime |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com