Top 100 Bishounen Chart: 99 – Yamada Tarou

He sure looks perfect! ~~kyaaa~~

He sure looks perfect! ~~kyaaa~~

What I Know About Him

Name: Yamada Tarou

Age: 15 (at the beginning of the manga)

Birthday: August 2

Blood Type: A

Occupation: Student

Family: Mother, 6 younger siblings. Father is away most of the time.

Financial Status: Poor (but his future is bright)

Favorite Place of Work: Supermarket (because there’s lots of food)

Favorite Thing: Food (especially bananas ‘cause they’re cheap and nutritious)

What Upsets Him the Most: Wasted food

What Makes a Good Person: A Person that treats food with respect

About the Manga

Author: Morinaga Ai

Title: Yamada Tarou Monogatari/ The Tale of Yamada Tarou

Summary: Yamada Tarou is perfect in every way imaginable, but he has one terrible flaw: he’s poor. He’s father is an artist who is away most of the time, his mother has no concept of money, and he has 6 siblings. The responsibility to provide for the family rest on his shoulders. Nevertheless, poverty is his best kept secret, and both girls and boys fight for his attention.

Bishounen Type: Perfect But Clueless/ Heartbreaker

Physical Attributes (22 out of 40):

Fashion Sense (5/5) Minus points for that housewife outfit he wears when he’s home.

Face (5/5)

Body (7/10)

Strength (5/10)

Personality (19 out of 40):

Angst Factor 3/10(he is very enthusiastic and positive)

Mysteriousness 2/10 (succeeded pretty well in hiding that he’s not rich and that all he cares about his food)

Loyalty (6/10) (he is generally considerate of others)

Humor (8/10)

Good or Evil (8/10): Good (but has no qualms about killing the pet dog for food in desperate times)

His Take on Love (2/10): Clueless. Not interested. He loves the one that makes the best food. (will kiss for a banana)

Special Abilities/ Facts (23 Bonus Points): Excellent domestic skills (5). Can hear a coin drop a mile away (2). Is good at providing for his family (5). Nothing gets him down (1). Model Student (5). Good constitution: will not get ill from eating bad food or drugs (5).

Conclusion: Overall all, this guy is at the top of the gene pool. In the fight for survival he wins, no question about it. However, he is not interested in romance! And even if he were, I’d be wasting my time trying to be his girlfriend ‘cause he’s probably a better cook than I am (he likes “tasty girls” as in they can make good food) . He also gets a little downgraded on his physical attributes since his face is drawn rather averagely. But I love the way the manga-ka draws his body, with clean decisive lines; he looks like strong person (we’re talking human strength here). He also isn’t the angsty kind of guy that we fangirls fall head over heels for, but he is considerate, cute and very funny and that always goes a long way. His enthusiasm wins hearts everywhere, that is how he managed to beat dark even though he’s only 74% Bishounen! I guess he gets status points for having so many bonus points… (^_~)

Other Info:

It doesn’t look like this manga has been licensed into other languages. It is currently been scanlated by the following groups: Kagami, NCIS. But please support the author to the best of you ability!

It ran for 15 volumes.

A dorama has been made based on the manga with the say title.